Wednesday, 29 February 2012

and a picker is born...

So has anyone seen that show 'American Pickers'? Well i think my story goes a little like that... For those of you that arn't familiar, it is a show about two grown men who travel the country in search of, well...anything. It involves a lot of rummaging through barns to find anything that others might value. I read somewhere that picking was the male form of op-shopping, I laughed because that is so true!
I could say a recent drag along to an op-shop opened my eyes up to a lot of valuable 'stuff' that was out there to grab. It gave me a light bulb above my head moment... Why don't i become a picker? Why don't I do all the rummaging for those of you who wouldn't be caught dead in an op-shop? Why not? So there it was, a decision... I bought my first find for 20c and the cliche' little old lady at the counter told me to pay her next time when I couldnt find change! So from being a total op-shop-a-phobic, I can safely say I've converted and cannot wait to go into my next op-shop =) Starting on a small scale all the peices I discover will be listed on my online store on ebay yay! Look out for tomorrows post where I will feature my first 'pick' !

xoxo Melissa.Rae ♥

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